
Florida reaches more than 15 countries in the world with more than 50 years since its founding.

Export Office

The export office is located at Av. Perú N° 430 – 432 Pampa del Carmen, Chanchamayo.

• The export is direct, between the Cooperative and the Client or/or Importer.

Service trite.

Warrant Service.




The transportation service from the Farm to the center of Collection represents an average cost of up to 7% and 8% of the value for each 60Kg bag of Pergamino coffee For the producer, with the current prices of the New York Stock Exchange it is very expensive

This is why the cooperative provides the service of transportation to its associates in order to generate greater profitability for the producer.

Scholarships for Education

in Universities and Institutes

We make agreements with institutes and universities to economic benefits for members and children of partners.





WE ARE FOUNDER OF “CETPRO LA FLORIDA” where they have been trained more than 870 young people in:

1. Organic farming.

2. Agricultural Production

3. Quality Management

4. Leadership School.



Universities and Institutes



We make alliances with other cooperatives, financial (social) institutions, Ministry of Production, Institutions of which we are part, such as “Central Café & Cacao del Perú”; FOGAL (Latin American Guarantee Fund) to strengthen the capacities of partners, managers, administrative and technical staff.

 • Tasters Q grader.

• Q Processing

 • Leadership School

 • Analysis and interpretation of financial statements.

 • Partnership Development

 • Internships

 • Innovation



• We manage fertilizers for our associates, organic fertilizers.

• We develop our own fertilizers through coffee pulp with Humus.

• We develop bioles in the field with each producer.

Technical Assistance

• Increase production levels per hectare
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○ Number of floors per hectare

○ Varieties with high productivity

○ Meters above level del mar

○ Precipitation

• Improve cup profiles through the processes of post harvest


We seek that our producers have areas of forest conservation, in addition to planting a certain number of timber trees



Alternative products

Coffee producers also have alternative crops such as banana, pineapple, rocoto, Turmeric,  Ginger, among others, that it is vital to provide technical assistance to improve their productivity levels.

The Credit Department is led by the Family Development Committee.

Solidarity financial services, CODEFAM is an association made up of wives of the female members of CAC Florida. Freely and voluntarily to satisfy common needs.

Its institutional life develops within the doctrinal framework of cooperative principles and values.



We manage innovative sustainable projects, seeking environmental development.

1. Management of organic waste produced in the post-harvest processing of coffee cultivation, to obtain edible mushrooms.

2. “Productive and Commercial Management of the Cultivation of Bird Friendly Coffee (shade coffee) in the CAC La Florida – Chanchamayo, Junín, to Satisfy the Demands of the US Specialty Coffee Market.”

3. Training program for technical assistants in agricultural production, which ensures comprehensive and sustainable management of productive units in the central jungle.

Services for the coffee industry, we take care of the correct management and control of the raw materials to achieve the optimal quality we always seek, search. Our services are:

   1. Threshing and sorting.

    2. Physical and sensory analysis, by Lic. Q Arabic Grader



Our producers can deliver their coffee wet to the cooperative, this option makes it easier for our producers to offload their work on the farms and have greater profitability on their profits. product.

In the cooperative we take care of the entire drying process by volume, reducing expenses and costs.

Dryers Lots

During 2018 and 2019 we delivered 150 solar dryers.

We design and implement modern and functional structures that allow controlling the temperature and humidity of the air to dry special coffees uniformly and safely.



We provide roasted coffee service to our partners and clients in order to increase the demand for quality coffee by promoting internal consumption of quality coffee produced in the region, we help our producers find their own sources of income.